Big wave at Cape Disappointment which was not disappointing at all.
Defiant Lily
Peek-a-boo Irma
Sweet Gerber baby Lila
Glen with the perfect belt.
My beloved grandmother, Maria Moreno.
Taking a break from the church rehearsal.
Sweet Nell dreaming sweet nothings.
Hannah, my younger daughter, pissed that I am taking her photo.
Sean and Hannah so much in love.
Jack, my grandson, ready to hike at Mt Rainier.
Joan, the embodiment of curiosity and my beloved mother-in-law.
Dane, my brother, who died too young.
A cute Macro Monster
Infrared tree at sunset in the Palouse.
Hiding behind an ancient tree. 
The Ancient tree head on.I
Infrared Burrows Channel off of Washington Park WA.
La Push, WA at sunset done in infrared and with Topaz.
Waste management never looked so good.
Who's in the box (the guy in the window wants to know)?

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