I was born in 1949 and love asking questions.

I am a retired nurse-midwife (never did home births). I also retired from a non-profit I founded in 2003, Quilts of Valor, and ran for about 13 years. After 13 years, I was so burned out I could probably  have qualified for disability. I now do whatever the hell I want, as my husband of over 30 years supports me with almost no questions asked. I have four loving, varied and interesting grown children and three grandchildren who are growing like weeds.
Lately, I have been delving into photography which gives me much creative joy. I love indulging in post-editing and really don't care how manipulated the images become as long as the end result is pleasing to me. Infrared photography was a rabbit hole from which I only recently resurfaced. Viewing the world through that wave length got me in touch with my LSD days in the 60's. I am now into night photography. Until only recently, I had never really seen the Milky Way (too much light pollution) and watched it transit across the night sky. Learning about night photography dovetails nicely with my curiosity about life...after life...and the meaning of life. Really...looking up into the night sky one sees light that is coming to us from billions of years ago. Who would have thought that night photography would be so esoteric and philosophical?
You may wonder where my website name came from. Well, the Moreno came from my paternal grandmother, Maria, who was Mexican and crossed the border with the US Calvary escorting them INTO the country. The C Moreno Run is a 'nod' to the old Dick and Jane books which I remember with fondness. Did you think of this when you saw the name here?
I do not know how this particular web-entity will evolve (yes, I believe in Evolution and  am also a Catholic Atheist). 
If you have any questions/comments, please use the Contact Me link (I don't do social media). If you would like to use any of the images, feel free. I would request that you give me credit for the image under the Creative Commons
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