Here is my disclosure for this page. They appear on the page as they appeared in my brain.  All links, suggestions are given to you freely. 
        Tim is an interesting character. He wrote the Four Hour Work Week and other liked titles. He comes to a situation by asking questions and not assuming to do things as 'they are done'. I like that he is a skeptic. His podcast guests are typically interesting. My only complaint about his podcasts is that he interjects a bit too often for my tastes. I prefer listening to the guest rather than Tim and his take.
         Absolutely fantastic podcasts on history. The one I have been listening to are the HARDCORE history podcasts.
         San Harris is one of the fairest human beings I have come across in my life. Intellectually he is light-years ahead of most people but he has the gift of communicating with others which really boils down to him LISTENING. 
           I am trying to 'fast' from all the news these days. When I can't/don't, I enjoy reading The Guardian. In addition to news, they have some fantastic music reviews which I tend listen to in Spotify.
          I have been a member of since 2005. Almost everything I know about photography and video editing comes from here. Ben Long taught me about photography and the basics. He should be a national treasure. Since Lynda sold out to Linked-In, I have noticed changes but not enough to make me cancel my yearly membership.
          Oh my gosh. I have the premium service plus family plan. I absolutely love this service. I have learned about so many new groups/music/genres because of how Spotify is structured. I no longer have CDs, albums but playlists. I can't imagine my music life without my playlists.
          My damn iphone  (128g) kept telling me I was running out of space. I tried to get rid of the photos but that meant I had to go to the dreadful and incomprehensible iTunes. It also meant a trip to youtube which was fortunate because I found someone who had the same problem. Solution? Google Photos. It took me days to upload all my images to this service but I did and now my phone is not threatening to cut me off. I have no idea what Google Photos is doing with all my images but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. The back uping of my images from my phone happens automatically. Plus this service is FREE (I know, nothing is really free but you get the gist).
          I use Google Earth when planning photography outings. Last time I went to New Mexico, I used GE with Planit for Photographers on my iPad Pro. The resolution was so good I could also see litter on the ground. I am still not totally comfortable with the interface but am learning.
          After this past election, I needed something to keep me from drinking myself into oblivion. Daily emails highlighting the latest was getting to me. Then I fell across the 10% Happier app after listening to Sam Harris interview Joseph Goldstein (Sam's meditation app is still on the burner but 10% is here NOW). I got the app and then subscribed to the yearly paid plan. I LOVE it. I am presently listening to Sharon Salzberg's mediation on Loving Kindness which I am finding very useful. I am not gagging nor feeling nauseous. Dan Harris' promise of being at least 10% Happier with some form of meditation is grounded. And, this app helps with the daily practice in a way that is neither preachy nor religious.
I am so fortunate that I live in the state of Washington. And, one of our crown jewels is the Washington Trails Association. Please come and visit our forests, national parks, beaches. There is nothing that soothes my inner self than walking in the woods surrounded by nature. If only more people would get out and hike, I think the world would be a better place.
Our national crown jewels are our national parks. I will admit that it took me getting into landscape photography for e to really appreciate our parks. Somehow having a camera in hand, invites me to slow down and appreciate what is around me. Never knew about Death Valley (DV) other than it had a strange name. Last year, my husband and I had the great fortune of doing a photo workshop with Michael Gordon who knows DV like the back of his hand. Beauty abounds everywhere.


Recommended Books:
I wish everyone on the planet would read this very well written book. Dr Ali Rizvi writes this book about his journey from practicing Islam and becoming an atheist. He writes without being caustic, finger-pointing or accusatory. He presents facts and revels in where they have taken him. Another facet of this book is that he introduces the Western reader to a whole segment of Muslims who are moderate, intelligent and most likely non-believers themselves.
My most favorite chapter was the last where he envisions a physicist giving a eulogy.
I loved this series consisting of eight novels. Listened to it all on Audible. For those of you who think King can only write scary books, think again. 

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